Solomon Documentation Site Launched — March 2021

3 min readMar 8, 2021

Access the documentation site at

The Solomon development team has been hard at work in Q1 of 2021 diving into the implementation of the Solomon Plugin and smart contracts.

The priority of February was to dedicate the proper resources to the project and get the team aligned and working efficiently. To support the project kickoff, the team has developed the Solomon Documentation Site for both internal alignment and for the public to track our progress.

Navigating the Documentation Site

The key sections of the Documentation Site include the Guide, Plugin, Contracts, Utilities, and a section with key project links.

The Guide includes comprehensive information on Solomon for anyone who may be new to the project. It also provides key links to various repositories for anyone who wants to dive right into a particular section of the project code.

Developers will find a list of key technologies that our team is using for the project and the reasons why a particular one was chosen.

You will also find documentation around Our Pledge, Standards, Responsibilities, and more.

The Plugin section provides instructions on how to install the Solomon plugin into your own site. This section will be the key resource for merchants who want to get started using Solomon to accept payments on their E-commerce websites. The plugin will be open-source and customizable according to their individual needs.

The Smart Contracts are the engine behind the Solomon Plugin and can be accessed at:

The Contract Factory produces an individual smart contract for the merchant according to the needs of their store. They may customize parameters around their products and style of sale, such as regular E-commerce, preorders, or escrow sales.

The Contract Library, as the name suggests, is a library for chargeback, preorder, and escrow functionality.

Chargeback, Preorder, and Escrow contracts are also documented here with their relevant github links.

The Utilities are additional functions that support the core functions of the Solomon Plugin.

Evidence Upload allows merchants and customers to respond to disputes by sending relevant evidence to the appropriate smart contract for randomly selected jurors to review. This way, it is guaranteed that jurors will be reviewing the same and correct supporting evidence as intended.

The Link Shortener plays a supporting role by cleaning up links before recording them on the blockchain.

The Blockchain Emailer plays a critical role in off-chain communication so that jurors, merchants, and customers are properly notified of actions they need to take or outcomes they must live by.

Work In Progress

This Documentation Site is currently a Work in Progress and will be updated regularly by the development team. Please direct any feedback to the project team at The site is currently in a very early version and will become more robust over time.

The Solomon team is heads-down working to bring you the future of E-commerce on a lightning schedule. We look forward to bringing you future updates.

